Monday, August 8, 2011

Why does Albuterol work better in relieving bronchitis and emphysema than asthma?

I really dont think Albuterol works better on 2 of these diseases listed. My son has RAD (reactive airway disease, a form of asthma) and uses his Albuterol inhalor when he needs it, during heavy exercise like playing a running sport or when he has a chest cold. He finds relief from Albuterol. His father has asthma and has been using Alguterol for years and likes the relief it brings him when needed. My father has COPD (chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease--from years of asbestos exposure in his work plus smoking for 18 years) and uses Albuterol as well. All 3 of them state the Albuterol helps them a lot! So Im not sure where you heard that it works better on the other 2 diseases. Bronchitis and asthma are interrelated. Hope this helps!

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