Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is Eve in Heaven, or did God never forgive her?

I personally don't know and I don't think anyone but God can answer that. And as for thoughtful christians, few of those still exist. They are too busy judging everybody, trying to force their beliefs on everyone, and some extreme christians are killing abortion doctors in the name of God, so don't expect too many thoughtful christian answers. I'm sorry, but that is a question nobody on Earth can 100% for sure know the answer to. I am a believer but don't label myself by any certain denomination. Religion is too confusing, one church preaches forgiveness, and others preach about a punishing God. No one really knows what they are talking about anymore. The bible got lost in translation over the last couple thousand years. It's too tricky and impossible to 100% adhere to in todays world. We are all sinners, and worthy to a point of forgiveness, depending on our individual actions. But only if we are truly repentant of our actions. Or so the bible says. Just remember the ancient Crusades. Godly people were committing m murders on certain civilizations for not conforming to their strict beliefs. They took his word too literally and took judgement and punishment into their own hands in the name of God. Who knows what fate they have suffered. Murder is a sin, plain and simple, how can anyone especially christians justify any kind of murder?Its hypocritical.

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